Ulrik Bing - Person Sheet
Ulrik Bing - Person Sheet
NameSamuel Zanwill Bing
Birth1718, Holland/Netherlands, Norden
Death26 Jun 1769, Holland/Netherlands, Amsterdam
Birth1727, Holland/Netherlands, Amsterdam
Deathaft 1768
FatherHartog Hirsch Samuels Pinto (1696-1753)
MotherBerendje Jacob Van Lier (~1699-1770)
ChildrenJacob Samuel (1755-1780)
Notes for Samuel Zanwill Bing
Også kaldet Samuel Moses Bing og Samuel Moses og Zanwill Mozes

Shochet i Groningen og/eller Amsterdam
shochet (en person med speciel uddannelse inden for rituel slagtning)


Family Page
Samuel Zanwil Mozes Bing, birth 1718 Norden, died 26 Jun 1769 Amsterdam, on 21 Sivan 5529 - Zanwel ben Moshe Bing, son-in-law of Hirsch Pinto., buried Muiderberg, "khr"r Zanwil b.Moshe Bing, son-in-law of Hirsch Pinto"
Event: event 1784 Amsterdam On 6 Elul 1784 the two trustees of the jewish community i.e. Moshe ben mho' H. shamash vene'eman & Chaim Cohen-Cauvern shamash vene'eman give to their best knowledge a taxation of a tora-roll and its 2coats, 1 for Shabbat & feasts and 1 for ordina ry days, and set its value at fl. 200,-; this tora-roll was part of the estate of the late Zanwil ben Moshe Binge z.l, [and in use of the community?].

Ensuing this, an unnamed son of Zanwil Bing makes his appearance as agent for himself and his late brother Jokeb's wife and children, to whom the late father inherited the tora-roll in equal parts, and takes possession of the roll [or its value?] , with 10 per hundred 'verhering' [?] according to the customs of this land.
Event: event 1785 Amsterdam In the acts of sale of seats of the year 5545 on 27 Cheshvan 5545 three acts concerning three different seats, state that before the trustees of the jewish community appeared aluf katsin pu k"h Jokeb Pinto as last living guardian of the estat e of the late of Zanwil ben Moshe Binge z.l. [his br.-in-law] and sold these three seats to aluf Hirsch ben Zanwil Binge z.l. as part of the inheritance coming to him,as specified in an act made up by katsin k"h Samuel ben pu k"h Leib Pinto m.h.l . by power of procuration from aforenamed Hirsch m.h.l. before notary Pieter Mastenbroek & witnesses here on Nov 10th, 1784; and from now on these seats belong fully to aluf Hirsch; signed by hak' Jokeb ben k"h Hirsch [Pinto] z.l.

In three additional acts it is stated, that yet 3 other seats from this estate will for the time being be kept by aluf katsin pu k"hJokeb Pinto as last living guardian of the estate in, behalf of the only not yet mature [mundig] child, the maide n Lea bat late Zanwil Binge z.l.
Married 1745 Amsterdam, dtb 728/44; witn.groom: Nathan Levie; witn.bride: f.Hartog Samuel. to:
Sara Sera Hartog Hirsch Pinto, birth 1727 Amsterdam, daughter of Hartog Hirsch Samuel Pinto and Barendje Brendele Jacob v.Lier
1) Branca Brendele Samuel Bing, birth 1746 Amsterdam, died 28 Jan 1805 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: wife of Abraham ben Baruch Kantor.
Married 1764 Amsterdam, dtb 740/335; witn.groom: f.Benedictus Cantor; witn.bride: f.Samuel Mozes.
Tnaim acharonim in act 5524/105 on 27 Sivan 5524;
groom: Abraham ben Baruch m.h.l;
bride: Brendele, accompanied by father aluf katsin Zanwil ben k"h Moshe;
the groom's father donates fl. 4000,- to the dowry, as does the bride's father;
brothers groom: Moshe, David & Isaac;
mother bride: Sera bat Hirsch. to:
Abraham Benedictus Baruch Cantor, birth 1739 Amsterdam, son of Benedictus Baruch Mozes Cantor and Sara Mozes de Boer
Event: event between 1768 and 1784 Amsterdam Zeeburg cemetery:
on 17 Kislev 5529 - child
on 7 Tammuz 5529 - stillborn "
on 18 Sivan 5536 - "
on 7 Kislev 5538 - "
on 1 Elul 5544 - " of Abraham BenedictusKanter/Kantor.
2) Asser Samuel Bing, birth 1747 Amsterdam
Married 1767 Amsterdam, dtb 743/351; witn.groom: f.Samuel Mozes; witn.bride: f.Aron Salomon Spier. to:
Vrouwtje Aron Spier, birth 1741 Amsterdam, daughter of Arie Aron Salomon Zalman Spier and Sara Marcus Meyer
3) Mozes Samuel Bing, birth 1748 Amsterdam, 'Circumcisions and Births in Amsterdam 1697-1811, by Jits v.Straten':
on 4 Tammuz 5512 [Jul 1752!] - circumcision of Moshe ben Zanwil, son-in-law of Hirsch Pinto., died 26 Jul 1822 Amsterdam, G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:
Mozes Samuel de Boer[?], 74 yrs.old, widower of Rachel David de Boer.
Notifier: Zacharias Hartog de Boer, 36 yrs.old, nephew.
(info courtesy of Dini Hansma)
Married 1768 Amsterdam, dtb 743/369; witn.groom: f.Samuel Mozes; witn.bride: f.David Mozes de Boer. to:
Rachel David de Boer, birth 1749 Amsterdam, daughter of David Mozes de Boer Pouer and Clara Margalioth Golde Abraham
4) Judith Gittele Samuel Bing, birth 1750 Amsterdam, died 26 Feb 1817 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 12 Adar 1817 [28 Feb 1817] - Judic/Gittele Samuel Bing, wife of Zalman Meijer/Gendering.

G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:

n 26 Feb 1817 - Judic Samuel Bing, 65 yrs.old, spouse of Salomon Magnus Meyer.
Notifier: Levie Samuel Pinto, 27 yrs.old, nephew.
Married 1770 Amsterdam, dtb 745/393; witn.groom: f.Magnus Andries Meyer; witn.bride: m.Sara Hartog Samuel. to:
Salomon Zalman Magnus Meijer Gendringen, birth 1741 Amsterdam, died 25 May 1817 Amsterdam, G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:
Salomon Magnus Gendering, 78 yrs.old, widower of Gietle Salomons.
Notifier: Lion Samuel Pinto, 26 yrs.old, nephew.
(info courtesy of Dini Hansma), son of Magnus Menachem-Manes Andries Asher-Anshil Gendringen and Maria Blima Salomon Zalman Norden
parents: Menachem Manes ben aluf katsin pum khr"r Asser Anshel ben hr"r Meyer &
Blima bat hr"r Shlomo Zalman Norden - t.r. on 23 Teveth 5490-t.a. on 15 Sivan 5490-717/465
5) Hartog Hirsch Samuel Zanwil Bing, died 11 Sep 1796 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: Hirsch ben Zanwil Bing.
n 7 Cheshvan 5544 uncle aluf rosh katsin pum kr"r Jacob ben k'h Hirsch Pinto appoints a
emissary - aluf rosh katsin k"h Menachem Man ben pum khr"r Benjamin Polak in Nijmegen -
to match Hirsch ben k"h Zanwil Bing with Rechla bat aluf rosh katsin pum khr"r Samuel Niem in Nijmegen.
Event: event OKT 1783 Amsterdam on 7 Cheshvan 5544 appears before the trustees of the jewish community aluf rosh katsin pum khr"r Jokeb ben late k"h Hirsch Pinto z.l, and appoints aluf rosh katsin k"h Menachem Man ben late pum k"h Benjamin Polak z.l. from Nijmegen and empower s and authorises him to bring to an engagement between his sister's son Hirsch ben late k"h Zanwil Bing z.l. and miss Rechla bat aluf rosh katsin pum khr"r Samuel Niem in Nijmegen.
Event: event 1785 Amsterdam On the 25 Elul 5545 katsin k"h Samuel ben pu k"h Leib Pinto m.h.l. appearing with ample authorisation and empowerment from the couple Rechla bat k"h Samuel Niem & Hirsch ben Zanwil Binge z.l, made up on last Thursday before the trustees of the jew ish community of Nijmegen, sells in their name a seat to katsin Eizik ben David Wing z.l. for the amount of fl. 515,-
In the act of authorisation made up in Nijmegen the agent is called brother-in-law [?, should be cousin].
Married ± 1784 to:
Rachel Rechla Samuel de Niem, birth ± 1760 Nijmegen, daughter of Samuel Levie de Niem and Rebecca Benjamin
Event: event OKT 1783 Amsterdam on 7 Cheshvan 5544 appears before the trustees of the jewish community aluf rosh katsin pum khr"r Jokeb ben late k"h Hirsch Pinto z.l, and appoints aluf rosh katsin k"h Menachem Man ben late pum k"h Benjamin Polak z.l. from Nijmegen and empower s and authorises him to bring to an engagement between his sister's son Hirsch ben late k"h Zanwil Bing z.l. and miss Rechla bat aluf rosh katsin pum khr"r Samuel Niem in Nijmegen.
6) Jacob Jokeb Samuel Zanwil Bing, birth 1755 Amsterdam, died 31 Jan 1780 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 24 Shevat 5540 - Jokeb ben Zanwil Bing, member of chevra kedosha Gemiluth Chasadim.
Event: event Apr 1779 Amsterdam Zeeburg cemetery: on 2 Nissan 5539 - child of Jacob Samuel Bing.
Married 1773 Amsterdam, dtb 747/197; witn.groom: m.Sara Hartog Samuel; witn.bride: Sema Elcas Lazarus. to:
Judith Hijman Oppenheimer, birth 1756 Hamburg
7) Anna Samuel Bing, birth 1758 Nijmegen, died 26 Nov 1832 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 6 Kislev 1832 [28 Nov 1832] - Anna/Hanna Salomon Mozes, wife of Itsak Azriel Fromet.

G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:

n 26 Nov 1832 - Anna Salomon Mozes, 75 yrs.old, widow of Isaac Marcus Israel Fromet.
Notifiers: Isaac Mendes Cohen Schutz, 56 yrs.old, son-in-law and Marcus Isaac Israel Fromet, 35 yrs.old, son.
Married 1778 Amsterdam, dtb 750/338; witn.groom: f.Marcus Israel; witn.bride: m.Sara Hartog Samuel. to:
Isaac Itsak Marcus Mordechai Fromet Cohen-Israel, birth 1755 Amsterdam, died 3 Sep 1824 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 12 Elul 1824 [5 Sep 1824] - Isaac/Itsak Marcus/Mordechai Israel/Azriel Fromet.

G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:

n 3 Sep 1824 - Isaac Marcus Israel Fromet, 70 yrs.old, spouse of Annaatje Samuels.
Notifier: Marcus Israel Fromet, 26 yrs.old, son., occupation: mohel Isaac Marcus Israel, son of Marcus Mordechai Israel Azriel Cohen and Vrouwtje Abraham
Event: was naturalized 16 Jan 1812 Amsterdam assumption of name Fromet; then living at Kerkstr. 97, with 2 sons and 3 daughters:
sons: Samuel, 30 yrs. and Marcus, 14 yrs.old;
daughters: Frederica, 32 yrs, Ester, 28 yrs. and Sara, 12 yrs.old.
8) Hendele Samuel Bing, died 30 Jan 1842 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: Hendelina/Hindele Samuel Bing, wife of Samuel Pinto.
Married 1781 Amsterdam, dtb 752/327; groom widower of Judith Simon Levie; witn.bride: m.Sara Hartog. to:
Samuel Levie Pinto, birth 12 Jul 1754 Amsterdam, 'Circumcisions and Births in Amsterdam 1697-1811, by Jits v.Straten':
on 8 Tammuz 5514 - circumcision of Samuel ben Leib Pinto, my [mohel Isaac Machielse] br.-in-law., died 8 Feb 1839 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: Samuel Levie/Judaleib Pinto., son of Levie Hartog Hirsch Pinto and Vogelina Fegle Jonas Jonathan Drielsma
Event: event 4 Aug 1801 Amsterdam Muiderberg cemetery: unmarried daughter of Samuel ben pum Leib Pinto.
9) Lea Samuel Bing, birth 1768 Amsterdam
Married 1786 Amsterdam, dtb 755/548; witn.groom: Samuel Elias v.Praag; witn.bride: uncle Jacob Hartog Samuel. to:
Levie Mozes v.Gogh, birth 1761 Zwolle
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