Ulrik Bing - Person Sheet
Ulrik Bing - Person Sheet
NameHartog Hirsch Samuels Pinto
Birth1696, Holland/Netherlands, Amsterdam
Death7. sep 1753 eller 8. msj 1769, Holland/Netherlands, Amsterdam
BurialHolland/Netherlands, Amsterdam, Muiderberg Cemetery
MotherLea Leentje Joseph (1670-1748)
Birthabt 1699, Holland/Netherlands, Amsterdam
Death22 Mar 1770, Holland/Netherlands, Amsterdam
FatherJokeb Nathan Lier (~1678-1748)
Marriage1721, Holland/Netherlands, Amsterdam
ChildrenSara Hartog Hirsch (1727->1768)
Notes for Hartog Hirsch Samuels Pinto
Hartog Hirsch Samuel Pinto, birth 1696 Amsterdam, died 8 May 1769 Amsterdam, on 1 Ijar 5529 - Hirsch ben Samuel Pinto; member of chevra kedosha Gemiluth Chasadim., buried Muiderberg, "naaleh khr"r Hirsch ben Samuel Pinto", son of Samuel Levie Juda Pinto Hoos and Lea Joseph
Married 1721 Amsterdam, dtb 712/510; witn.groom: f.Samuel Levie; witn.bride: f.Jacob Lier. to:
Barendje Brendele Jacob v.Lier, birth 1699, died 22 Mar 1770 Amsterdam, on 25 Adar 5530 - Brendele, widow of Hirsch ben Samuel Pinto., buried Muiderberg, "Brendele, widow of Hirsch ben Samuel Pinto", daughter of Jacob Jokeb Nathan Lier Lehr and Sara Serche Meyer Deventer
1) Jacob Jokeb Hartog Hirsch Pinto, birth 1725 Amsterdam, died 9 May 1793 Utrecht, pum Jokeb Pinto; died in Utrecht., buried Muiderberg, Muiderberg cemetery:
"pum khr"r Jacob b.khr"r Hirsch Pinto" - fisches Frank nr. 217
Event: event 1761 Amsterdam Muiderberg cemetery: on 9 Nissan 5521 - unmarried son of Jokeb Pinto.
Married 1745 Amsterdam, dtb 728/44; witn.groom: f.Hartog Samuel; witn.bride: Jacob David. to:
Lea Joseph Harlingen, birth 1720 Harlingen, died 17 Apr 1773 Amsterdam, on 24 Nissan 5533 - Lea bat Joseph Harlingen, wife of Jokeb ben HirschPinto., buried Muiderberg, ("Lea b.Moshe Joseph, vr.van gabaj tsedaka k"h Jacob Pinto" - f"Fnr.313), daughter of Joseph Harlingen and N.N.
2) Sara Sera Hartog Hirsch Pinto, birth 1727 Amsterdam
Married 1745 Amsterdam, dtb 728/44; witn.groom: Nathan Levie; witn.bride: f.Hartog Samuel. to:
Samuel Zanwil Mozes Bing, birth 1718 Norden, died 26 Jun 1769 Amsterdam, on 21 Sivan 5529 - Zanwel ben Moshe Bing, son-in-law of Hirsch Pinto., buried Muiderberg, "khr"r Zanwil b.Moshe Bing, son-in-law of Hirsch Pinto"
Event: event 1784 Amsterdam On 6 Elul 1784 the two trustees of the jewish community i.e. Moshe ben mho' H. shamash vene'eman & Chaim Cohen-Cauvern shamash vene'eman give to their best knowledge a taxation of a tora-roll and its 2coats, 1 for Shabbat & feasts and 1 for ordina ry days, and set its value at fl. 200,-; this tora-roll was part of the estate of the late Zanwil ben Moshe Binge z.l, [and in use of the community?].

Ensuing this, an unnamed son of Zanwil Bing makes his appearance as agent for himself and his late brother Jokeb's wife and children, to whom the late father inherited the tora-roll in equal parts, and takes possession of the roll [or its value?] , with 10 per hundred 'verhering' [?] according to the customs of this land.
Event: event 1785 Amsterdam In the acts of sale of seats of the year 5545 on 27 Cheshvan 5545 three acts concerning three different seats, state that before the trustees of the jewish community appeared aluf katsin pu k"h Jokeb Pinto as last living guardian of the estat e of the late of Zanwil ben Moshe Binge z.l. [his br.-in-law] and sold these three seats to aluf Hirsch ben Zanwil Binge z.l. as part of the inheritance coming to him,as specified in an act made up by katsin k"h Samuel ben pu k"h Leib Pinto m.h.l . by power of procuration from aforenamed Hirsch m.h.l. before notary Pieter Mastenbroek & witnesses here on Nov 10th, 1784; and from now on these seats belong fully to aluf Hirsch; signed by hak' Jokeb ben k"h Hirsch [Pinto] z.l.

In three additional acts it is stated, that yet 3 other seats from this estate will for the time being be kept by aluf katsin pu k"hJokeb Pinto as last living guardian of the estate in, behalf of the only not yet mature [mundig] child, the maide n Lea bat late Zanwil Binge z.l.
3) Eva Judith Jochebed Hartog Hirsch Pinto, birth 1731 Amsterdam, died 12 Sep 1804 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: widow of Ber ben Eli' Poz.
Married 1750 Amsterdam, dtb 731/92; witn.groom: Elias Polak; witn.bride: f.Hartog Samuel. to:
Barend Elias Polak, birth 1729 Den Haag, died 1775 Amsterdam, Zeeburg cemetery: on 25 Adar II 5535 - Barend Eli' Pos from The Hague.
4) Levie Hartog Hirsch Pinto, birth 22 Dec 1734 Amsterdam, 'Circumcisions and Births in Amsterdam 1697-1811, by Jits v.Straten':
on 1 Teveth 5495 - circumcision of Arieleib ben Hirsch ben Samuel Pinto., died 1798 Groningen
Event: event Sep 1785 Amsterdam on 19 Elul 5545 appear before the trustees of the jewish community of Groningen the couple Fegle bat late k"h Jonathan z.l. & aluf katsin puk"h Leib ben k"h Hirsch Pinto z.l. and appoint their son katsin khr"r Samuel to act in their name and to se ll 3 seats in the great synagogue of Amsterdam to 1) katsin khr"r Zadok ben Gumprich z.l. for the amount of fl. 600,-; 2) to katsin k"h Jona ben Gumprich z.l. for fl. 550,-; 3) to the same katsin Zadok for fl. 450,-.

On 25 Elul 5545 appears katsin k"h Samuel ben pu k"h Leib Pinto m.h.l.before the trustees of the jewish community of Amsterdam, with ample empowerment and authorisation at his hands to sell the three seats [from the 1st act].

On the same date as well katsin k"h Samuel ben pu k"h Leib Pintom.h.l. appearing with ample authorisation and empowerment from thecouple Rechla bat k"h Samuel Niem & Hirsch ben Zanwil Binge z.l, madeup on last Thursday before the trustees of th e jewish community ofNijmegen, and sells in their name a seat to katsin Eizik ben DavidWing z.l. for the amount of fl. 515,-
In the act of authorisation made up in Nijmegen the agent is calledbrother-in-law [?].
Event: event Jul 1785 Amsterdam On 26 Tammuz 5545 appears before the trustees of the jewish community in Amsterdam katsin k"h Samuel ben pu k"h Leib Pinto m.h.l. with procuration from his parents, made up in Groningen on Apr 20th, 1781according to the customs of the country , in his hands, and takes a loan of fl. 400,- from the brothers and partners k"h Zadok & k"h Jona, sons of Gumprich [Gabriels/Lappeman] z.l. by power of procuration for his parents for the duration of nine months; and as security he pawned in th e hands of the loan-extenders three seats in the great synagogue, which are worth more than what his parents owe to katsin k"h Zelig ben Leizer Speyer z.l, i.e. the amount of fl. 1200,- which they received from him on last 11 Nissan as a loa n to do business with for the duration of a year, for which they pawned with him the three seats mentioned; and now for this difference in worth he pawns the seats[also] with the aforementioned brothers by his power of procuration.
Married 19 Sep 1753 Amsterdam, dtb 733/98; witn.grom: f.Hartog Samuel; witn.bride: f.Jonas Lazarus. to:
Vogelina Fegle Jonas Jonathan Drielsma, birth 13 Aug 1734 Emden, died Apr 1801 Groningen, daughter of Jonas Jonathan Lazarus Drielsma and N.N.
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