Henrique Dias Milao-Caceres var en meget velbjærget købmand i Lissabon, der blev fængslet af inkvisitionen og brændt på bålet den 5. april 1609 i en alder af 82. Han var anklaget for at have forsøgt at flygte fra landet, unddrage sig skattebetaling og for at have mødtes med en gruppe jøder. For at hædre mindet om Henrique tog mange af hans børn og børnebørn navnet Henriques, som betyder søn af Henrique. Blandt de som tog navnet Henriques var sønnen Paulo (Moses) de Milao og datteren Beatriz Henriques de Milao og hendes søn Ruben. Beatriz' mand og Rubens fader var Alvaro Dinis Yachia.
“Anrriques Dias Milao De Caceres, burnt at the stakes in Lisbon on the 5 April 1609 after a public Auto-Da-Fé.
The Hamburg branch of the family was descended from the Marrano Anrique Dias De Milao who was burned at an auto-da-fee in Lisbon in 1609.
Two of his sons reentered Judaism in Hamburg and took a prominent part in communal life. The elder, Paul De Milao, became known as Moses, but for safety traded with the Iberian Peninsula under the name of Paul Direchsen.
His elder son, Joshua († 1670), was a leader of the Hamburg community and was a personal acquaintance of Queen Christina of Sweden . The younger, Daniel († 1711), became resident in Hamburg for the Polish crown, followed by his son David. Jacob, younger son of Joshua, was baptized in 1719, Louis XIV being his godfather. After dabbling in international politics and intrigues he became a French agent and assumed the name Louis. The family continued to be known in Hamburg until the 19th century.”
"The ‘voluntary’ statements that Ana de Milao, the wife of Rodrigo de Andrade, made to the Inquisitors in Lisbon after she had been jailed there on February 5 of 1602, provide the earliest information about the family de Milao (to be pronounced as “Milan”). Ana was the sister of Guiomar Gomes de Milao, who was married to Annrique-Henrique de Caceres. After his marriage, Henrique adopted the surname of his wife because her father and two brothers had perished as officers of the Portuguese army. Her father Francisco Rodrigues Milao and a brother, Gaspar de Milao, had died during battles in the Portuguese colonies in the East Indies. The second brother, Gomes Rodrigues de Milao, lost his life during a naval battle near the Cape Verde Isles. The Portuguese King ennobled the family because of their services to and sacrifices for the fatherland (hence the added name de Milao). The act of ennobling occurred before Portugal was occupied by Spain in 1580, when the country became part of the Spanish empire. Consequently, the family was destined for opposition against the Spanish. A third brother of Ana had died childless in the Spanish town of Valladolid. Because of this, the family had no male offspring that could continue their noble name.
The marriage of Henrique de Caceres and the adoption of the noble name also occurred prior to the conquest of Portugal by Spain. The name “from Millao” is derived from a village in the mountains in Portugal, where the family of Dr. Thomas de la Vega (also spelled as Veiga), who hailed from the northwestern Spanish village Vega, searched for a new home. This family, as well as other Jewish refugees that had been forced out of Spain in 1492, fled to the neighboring kingdom of Portugal. After several years in Portugal, they were forced to convert to Christianity. Nevertheless, after only a few generations, they all became proud Portuguese patriots."
Manuel Cardoso de Milao/Texeira, * 1571
Beatriz/Beatrice/Abigail Henriques (Dias) de Milao / Jahia, * 1573
Gomes/Daniel Rodrigues de Milao/Abensur, * 1574
Fernao Lopes de Milao, * 1575
Leanor ((H)Enriques) (Dias) de Milao, * 1577
Antonio/Josua Dias de Milao/Abensur, * 1582
Ana (Dias) de Milao, * 1584
Paolo/Paul/Mose(s) de Milao/Abensur/Dirichsen, * 1585
Isabel Santiago Henriques de Milao, * 1590
http://www.henriks.as/omhenriques/omhenriques.htm: An(n)rique/Henrique de Caceres/Dias (de) Milao, * 1528 Manuel Cardoso de Milao/Texeira, * 1571 Beatriz/Beatrice/Abigail Henriques (Dias) de Milao / Jahia, * 1573 R(e)uben Henriques / Re'u-Ben bar Iachia-El/Hinrich / Jachia-Henriques, * 1607 Gomes/Daniel Rodrigues de Milao/Abensur, * 1574 Fernao Lopes de Milao, * 1575 Leanor ((H)Enriques) (Dias) de Milao, * 1577 Antonio/Josua Dias de Milao/Abensur, * 1582 Ana (Dias) de Milao, * 1584